Serving Others: In Our Community.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

At Cloyd’s CPC, we make it our mission to love God, love others, and make a difference. While it is difficult to list all the ways each person in our church is making a difference in our community, we are blessed to be involved serving as a church in the examples below.

Food Pantry

Our food pantry is open every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm here at the church. We also travel out into community neighborhoods to ensure people in need of food assistance are served.

Pregnancy Care Center

We believe life is a gift from God and want to do everything we can to support young mothers as they face challenges during pregnancies. We take up collections on a yearly basis to support this ministry.

Our Local Schools

Children are a gift from God and we as the church are called to help them come to know Jesus Christ. We participate as Pencil Partners with Mt Juliet Elementary School. This involves helping the school with supplies, serving at work projects, providing volunteers when they are needed, and much more. We believe in investing in the children living within our community.

Disaster Relief

When disasters strike, we seek opportunities to support and serve those that are impacted. We both organize groups to help with clean-up and also take up collections and offerings to help those in need.

Supporting Our Friends in Ghana

The church is a global body of believers throughout the world. Therefore, we have formed a vital relationship with a church in Ghana and participate in collection drives to help the church and school there.

Summer VBS

Each year our summer Vacation Bible School is organized by our children's ministry and provides an opportunity for children in the community to be introduced to Jesus Christ.


We understand that people, because of a variety of different reasons, find themselves in a position to not have enough resources to make ends meet. We as a church believe we are called to help people when they are down, and we do so by providing assistance as the Holy Spirit leads us.

Mission Trips

While we believe missions should always begin in our local community, we also recognize that the needs of others extend beyond the city of Mt Juliet. With this in mind we support short-term mission trips that are life-changing opportunities for not only those being served but also those doing the serving.

Want to Make a Difference?

We have a number of ways for you to get plugged in to serve. Click this link to check out our member service form: